
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Moon Phase best days to trim for growth (March-April)

Lots of ladies are growing longer hair by trimming their hair during high energy days of the month. Is it time for your trim? If so, try New Moon Phase trimming. You have to trim anyway to maintain healthy ends. 

What is New Moon Phase trimming?
Hair is partly made of hydrogen and oxygen. As the new moon grows into a full moon it draws fluids upward. We use that energy to increase hair growth. The energy is potent during specific times of the month. You will find that different sources vary in the best days to trim each month. I've had great success choosing my days over several years. I have used this to increase my hair growth and I've had many others tell me, my dates work for them. You have to decide for yourself. 

How do I choose my dates?
Based on the lunar calendar, how the moon aligns and most importantly by Christian discernment. 

But God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong. 1 Corinthians 1:27

When I consider your heavens, the works of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained. Psalm 8:3

Please understand:
As a Christian, we acknowledge that all power comes from God All Mighty. We are not worshiping the sun or moon. We are using its power. The same as we need the sun to survive in our body here on this earth. We are not chanting nor casting spells. We are using all sources God has created for us. Same as the farmer knows when to plant and when to pluck up. 

To God be all the Glory!!!

March dates:

April dates:


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Conditioning Afro Coily Hair

Shampoo removes, bacteria, dirt and product build up from the hair. Shampoos also remove your natural sebum coating. Therefore you should always follow every shampoo with some type of conditioner to help re-balance your hair.

Conditioners replace moisture removed during cleansing.  Conditioners also add strength, softness, shine  and elasticity to the hair. 


Product recommendations

Regular conditioning (aka rinse out conditioners or creme rinses)
These are products formulated to apply to the hair and leave on for 2 to 10 minutes, then rinse off. No heat is needed for this type of conditioning. How long you keep the conditioner own will vary per the product. These conditioners are not formulated to be left on the hair, unless the bottle specifies such. It is very important not to use a rinse out conditioner as a leave in. 

Who should use regular conditoner? 

  •  Those with healthy hair 
  •  No problems with breakage or moisture
  •  Those who shampoo  frequently
  •  Those who are short on time

Deep conditioning
Usually a moisturizing conditioner you leave on the hair, cover with a plastic cap for 10 to 20 minutes. This will vary depending on the deep conditioner brand you use. Deep conditioners come in the forms of masques or creams. 

When to deep conditon

  •  Extra dry hair
  •  Hair that is breaking
  •  Before heat straightening

Hair treatments
These come in the form of a liquid, cream or lotion. They will address a specific hair need. Treatments usually add strength to the hair in the form of proteins. Some of them can be used alone while others need to be followed up with a moisturizing conditioning treatment

When to do a treatment

  • When you have scalp issues
  • To add strength to the hair
  • Before or after any type of chemical treatment
  • Dehydrated hair

Leave in conditioning 
The leave in conditioner is your most important hair product. Afro curly hair requires continuous conditioning. A leave in comes in the form of liquid, cream or lotion. Creamy leave ins are the most moisturizing and the most popular. These are conditioners formulated with ingredients that can be elft on the hair. A leave in conditioner and a moisturizer provide the same function. A good leave in conditioner will also be a great style product for your hair. So it gives you moisture and hold for your style all day. 

When to use a leave in conditioner or moisturizer

  • After each shampoo session
  • Twice a week for healthy hair
  • Daily for damaged or dehydrated hair

Friday, February 24, 2017

When is it time to trim your hair and how?

Have you been natural for awhile but you are not sure when to trim your hair? 

Here are a few reasons to trim your hair:

  • When you manipulate it you feel popping and snapping
  • When your hair does not style well.
  • Check the hair which falls on the sink. Do you see short hairs the size of eyelashes? Those are split ends time to trim. 
  • Your hair tangles excessively
  • When you twist your hair you see frayed ends
  • The ends of your hair are extremely see through

Although you can mend a split end temporarily with certain products, it is best to trim that split end off. Hair can split anywhere on the strand. But the most common type of split happens between mid strand and the ends. Once your hair starts to split it will continue to split all the way up the hair shaft. Always cut your splits immediately. 

How to trim your hair:

Seek a professional stylist

  • Especially if this is your first cut since going natural
  • Make an appointment with a professional who can work with natural coily hair.
  • It is not necessary to straighten Afro hair, in order to trim it.
  • A minimally skilled stylist should be able to trim your hair in its natural state.
  • No blow dryers or straighteners needed, unless you want to. Be clear with the stylist your desires, before she begins to cut.

Trim it yourself

  1. Detangle hair well
  2. Separate hair into 2' by 2' sections
  3. Two strand twist those sections
  4. Twist as close to the end as you can
  5. Using cutting shears, trim off the frayed ends


If you did not start your natural journey from a big chop, then you want to start with a professional trim. You want to start from clean, healthy ends. How much you will need to get cut will depend on the health of your hair. Get this trim with a cosmetologist. She will examine your ends and tell you how much she recommends to cut.

Once you have your first professional cut. Mark your calendar for every 4th month. This will equal 3 trims a year. Remove at least .25 inch each trim. Trim off more if necessary. Following this schedule and a healthy hair regimen, will enable you to maintain healthy full beautiful ends. When your ends look good, your hair styles well. You also retain more length. So you will reach your length goals faster. 


  1. Never brush your hair, it weakens your ends.
  2. Fingercomb or use a seamless comb
  3. Limit your use of flat irons and all heat straightening.
  4. Keep your ends from rubbing on your clothing or seats.
  5. Moisturize and oil your hair on a regular basis. 

Read all about New Moon Phase trimming and get the dates for March and April HERE


Thursday, February 23, 2017

No frizz twist outs on natural hair

Here are two awesome products that give great definition and hold for your type 4 hair.

Especially 4C hair!

In the order of awesomeness!

1. Jane Carter Curl Defining Cream
Good ingredients
Controls FRIZZ very well
Great hold and definition
No crunch, white balls, or flakes
Last long, cause a little goes a long way

2. Camille Rose Curlmaker
Awesome for wash and goes
Controls FRIZZ well
Good definition for twist outs
Not crunchy and no flakes



Tip to combat frizz
Seal your hold product in, with a anti humectant. Anti humectants keep moisture from entering your hair cuticles so quickly. Your hair will hold its pattern longer and not puff up as quick.

Remember our Afro hair is not always frizzing up. When moisture enters our hair it curls up and that is natural.  While this natural occurrence, can work against most style choices, shrinkage is not evil.  We have been conditioned to think, it is something awful our hair does.  But it is truly a natural thing.  

How to create better twist outs

The twist out is probably the most popular style for naturals.  No matter your curl pattern, the hunt for the perfect twist out is always on. Some people get lucky the first time they create their twist out. But for most naturals it takes several attempts in order to get a desired twist out style. To perfect it takes even longer. But it does not have to be all trial and error. Here are some very helpful tips to help your achieve your best twist out. 


1.  Healthy hair styles the best. Work on the health of your hair first before trying to perfect your twist out. This is very important for new naturals. Trying to create great looking styles on hair that does not retain moisture well, can be very deflating to your natural hair joy. 

Need a good regimen to whip your hair into better shape? 
Start today on the Coily Queens Regimen

2. Find a great style product. You want a product to give you hold and moisture, without flaking. Start with a style cream. Here are some winners: As I am double butter cream, SM curl enhancing smoothie, Camille Rose Curlaide, Camille Rose Almond Jai butter, Jane Carter's curling curl cream.

3. For better hold combine a style cream with a gel. Be aware of products conflicting with one another and causing white balls. Mix your two products on the back of your hand, to test and see if they ball up and clump. If it does so, on the back of your hand then that combination is not a good one. Try another combo. Good gels for natural hair especially 4C hair: Kinky curly curling custard, Eco olive oil gel, Miss Jessie's Curly Custard.

4. During cold weather, seal your twist out with coconut oil. It will help your hair hold its shape longer. 

5. Instead of single two strand twists, create small to medium flat twists. You get way more volume per flat twist, than you will with the same size section of a regular two strand twist. Your first night sections should be 2 inches by 3 inch sections, flat twisted. 

6. For a fuller look, end your twists with a bantu knot or use a flexi rod. This gives your twist out more flavor and fullness. 

7. Flat twists also give you more stretch, this gives you more hang time.  

8. Gain more hang time, by not using a water based product after the third day of  your twist out. You will need  moisture for day one and two, but if you have healthy hair your should be able to retwist with a non water based product. Here are some suggestions: As I am double butter cream (has water but it still gives you stretch), Regular shea butter.

9. On day one of your twist out, after you have set your hair, seal your hair with a cold water rinse. This will give you great definition. You can also seal with half aloe vera juice and half filtered water. Put mixture in fridge and let it get really cold. The cold and aloe vera helps to flatten the hair cuticle. The gives you more definition and hold. 

10. For more stretch, reduce your product use in half. Less product equals less shrinkage. 

11. Allow your hair to air dry in large braids at least 75%, then create your two strand twists. This will give you way more hang time. 

12. Afro hair is like memory foam. The more you shape it into a style the better it will form that shape. So do not try a style once or twice then become frustrated. Continue to do that style over and over for a few weeks. Each time your hair will twist better and better. You will also find you can create the style faster. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hair care tips for black children


Hair grooming should not be a difficult task for you or your child. When the process of cleansing and styling is difficult  it creates a very unpleasant experience for your child. This starts a cycle of your child not wanting to get their hair done.

1. Wash her hair once a week.  Hair grows best on a clean scalp. Washing the hair also is the best way to hydrate the hair. You want to keep away all bad bacteria and fungus

2. Invest in a non sulfate shampoo and conditioner. Choose products close to natural. It is best to use products from the same product line.

3. Always do a regular conditioning treatment after each shampoo. Regular conditioner is when you apply the product, let it sit from 3 to 5 minutes and rinse out. 

4. Blot hair with t-shirt material and not a towel.

5. After rinsing our your regular conditioner, with hair still soaking wet. Do a final rinse with aloe vera water. This is 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice + 1/2 cup of filtered water, pour all of it over her hair and let it soak in. Leave on hair do not rinse off. 

6. With hair still soaking wet from the aloe vera rinse, apply a leave in conditioner. 

7. Purchase a leave in conditioner that contains a high amount of glycerin. Glycerin is a great humectant and it keeps the hair moisturized longer. 

Great leave in conditioner

8. Always seal with either: avocado oil, castor oil or jojoba oil. This will keep your hair moisturized longer. 

9. Styling the hair in braids, twists or small ponytails will help the hair style moisturized longer. 

10. Do not forget to oil the scalp with a good quality cold pressed all natural oil

Coconut Hair Care

The coconut  is an amazing fruit. On top of its amazing health benefits it is one of the best treats for your hair. The best way to use coconut in your hair care is by using it in a cold pressed oil form. It is also beneficial in the form of juice, cream or milk.


Coconut oil is part of a select few oil that penetrate the hair shaft. While most oils sit on top of the hair, coconut oil penetrates into the hair shaft by 50%. It contains lauric acid. Lauric acid has a low molecular weight, so it can infuse the hair strands. This gives your hair strands extra strength to better withstand damage from combing or brushing. Broken spaces on your hair strands are filled in and this keeps the hair from breaking so easily.

In order to receive the strengthening benefits of the coconut oil, it must sit on your hair for 16 plus hours. If you are using coconut oil for protection against hydral fatigue or breakage, it is best to lubricate your hair, cover with a plastic cap overnight for at least 16 hours.

Coconuts are full of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Great for deep conditioning. Apply to hair, cover with plastic conditioning cap under heat for 20 minutes. 

Leave in conditioner/Braid spray

Regular use of cold pressed coconut oil will make your hair follicles healthy. It kills viruses and fungus on your scalp. Regular treatment of coconut oil strengthens your hair and gives it great sheen. 

Use coconut oil on your school age child's hair. It repels lice and keeps the eggs from attaching to your hair follicles. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

New Moon Phase best trim dates for February! Grow hair fast!

What you love will grow!

What you love you show!

Only 5 good trim days for February!

Concentrate on falling more in love with your beautiful blessed hair. 

February is the month we put more energy into what we love.

Feed your hair some of that love. 

Come out of those crochet braids!
Remove those extensions!
Stop hiding behind those wigs!

Start loving your hair more and watch it flourish!

Start your love fest off with a New Moon
 Phase trim

Best days to trim for February


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Cleansing your hair with black soap

If commercial shampoos are giving your hair a hard time, you can easily make your own natural shampoo. Pure Black soap makes a great natural shampoo base. Black soap is made from a combination of coco pod ashes, plantain skin ashes, palm oil, tea tree oil or shea butter. Makers use a different combinations of those ingredients. 

Purchase original black soap HERE

It is soft, melts faster than traditional soap and is brownish in color.    

Black soap is great for deep cleansing of your hair and body. Great at removing product buildup and dandruff. Although it is all natural, it is not a mild cleanser. I would recommend using it nor more than once per week in the place of your commercial shampoos.  


For these recipes I used liquid blacks soap, for convenience. You can purchase original black soap and shave off pieces and make your own liquid black soap, if you prefer. 


Each maker creates their black soap in a different way. Just because it says "black soap" does not mean it is pure. Read your labels. 

Great deal on whole black soap or liquid black soap>>> HERE