Sunday, June 25, 2017

Purchasing bentonite clay for your hair

Clay washes for the hair are steadily growing in popularity. The reasons they are so popular with coily naturals is their ability to deep cleanse the hair without tangling it. Clay washes do an excellent job of making your natural curl pattern pop.  Most deep cleansers are stripping and leave the hair full of tangles. That is not the case with bentonite clay.  

There are many clay washes on the market. But they are expensive.  However a clay wash is very simple to create on your own. There are several different types of clays, you can purchase. This article will focus on choosing a Bentonite clay for your DIY. Bentonite clay is the most popular clay used on the hair. 

Bentonite clay comes as: sodium bentonite or calcium bentonite clay. You will notice the sodium bentonite is cheaper than the calcium bentonite. When creating a wash for your hair, always choose calcium bentonite. Why? Because the sodium is more absorbent and therefore likely to strip the hair. The sodium  bentonite is more detoxing than the calcium bentonite.

Bentonite clay contains both sodium and calcium. However the ones labeled sodium bentonite, have a higher content of sodium. This means the PH will be higher and it cleanses deeper. So the rule is to choose calcium. If you already have the sodium bentonite, use it on your face. 

Calcium bentonite contains more silica. 
Bentonite clay pulls toxins from your hair and then it deposits. Sodium Bentonite will deposit more sodium and the calcium bentonite will deposit calcium and silica. 

For the hair choose Calcium Bentonite 
For the skin choose Sodium Bentonite 


Never prepare or store your bentonite clay in any type of metal. Once the clay touches metal, all the benefits of the clay are destroyed. Use glass, ceramic or wood. 

CQ Detox 7

  • 1/2 cup of bentonite clay
  • 1/4 cup of red clay
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice
  • 1/2 cup of spring water (warm)

Deep cleansing instructions

  • Allow warm water to run over hair for 1 minute
  • Generously apply the Detox 7
  • Cover with plastic cap
  • Wrap in a towel or scarf
  • Leave on for 1 hour
  • Rinse off completely with warm water
  • Once all clay detox is out, if your hair feels conditioned, proceed with your leave in conditioner. 
  • If your hair does not feel feel conditioned enough then apply a deep conditioner



CQ Clay Cleansing conditioning 


  • Generously apply to wet hair
  • Cover with plastic cap and scarf
  • Let it sit on hair 1 to 3 hours.
  • Rinse out well
  • Apply your leave conditioner, etc. 

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